A Letter to My Future Self

So, I’ve written a letter to my younger self, but what about writing to my future self?  What would a letter like that look like?  What could you possibly say?  I mean, you haven’t got a clue about what’s ahead of you, it’s not like you could give your future self any advice, right?  Well, hear me out.  This letter is about helping you create a vision of the person you want to be.  It’s kind of like a visualization technique. 

This letter is a way of both creating a vision for the future and putting your present into perspective.  What I’m getting at here is, when you start to actively think about your future self you quickly realize whether you are on the correct path to becoming the version you dream of being.  This can be a wake up call and can very well inspire you to step up and be the person your future self needs you to be.

Build a Picture in your Mind

Let’s start by picturing that future self.  You wouldn’t want him/her to be one step backwards from where you are, would you?  You would want to see your future self as an upgraded version, someone who has worked on improving all areas of life.  So, see yourself as: healthier, wiser, more successful, more present, more loving.  We all have different areas we need to work on, only you know what you want to improve on in your life.

See yourself as confident and in charge of your life.  Someone you would be proud of.  Make sure you get that feeling in your stomach, ‘now this is the person I want to be’.  Feel what it would feel like to be so confident, healthy, etc.  Becoming this person is the biggest life goal you can ever set and yet we never even think about it.  So, make it as real as you can.  Believe this IS you.

Thank You’s and Reflections

To me a letter to my future self comes in two parts.  The part where I thank this expanded version of myself for all the growth.  The years that she has been through that have sometimes softened her, sometimes hardened her but always taught her more about herself and the world she lives in.  I would remind her of where she once was.  Show her my struggles and let her know I won’t let her down.  I would show her that I am here for the journey.

Then there’s the part where I will ask her to reflect on what made her who she is.  The love that her life was built on.  I would show her that all her hard work was for her babies who are now full-grown adults with loving families of their own, who are living good lives because of the hard work she put in.  I will remind her that all the tears and doubts are a thing of the past and she is reaping the rewards of her efforts and commitment.  She is reaping what she has sown.  Through love, trust and surrender.



Dear Future Me,

I so admire you.  I admire your heart.  Your courage, and determination.  I admire your confidence.  I know it took a lot for you to overcome your insecurities.  But, you saw it was all down to self-love.  You saw that confidence can be built up and taught.  And, like everything else in life, you kept going when you made up your mind.  You showed up, and you showed them all.  I feel silly saying this to my future self, but I am proud of you.  Your determination has made you take control and shape the life that we have dreamt of.  Life underestimated you, and for too long so did I, but when something inside shifted, the game changed forever.  You, and this beautiful life, are the product of that shift.

I see you.  So confident and secure.  And, in your eyes, I see a reflection of me.  I know I am in there, that your heartbeat is my heartbeat.  In a way I look to you like an older sister, for guidance and encouragement.  I know that everything that you are comes from the daily steps that I take right now.  I know that when I am strong, I make you strong.  When I believe, then you believe.  We are separate yet where my steps create yours, your existence inspires my steps.

I look to you as a beacon.  My true north.  My lighthouse.  If I keep focused on the life that I wish for you, I will create the life I wish for me.  We are intertwined.  To be aware of this ‘other person’ who’s existence you are responsible for is a powerful thing.  Like one of my children, I will not let you down.  Thank you for being an inspiration and a guiding light.

Love Present Day Me x

Take the Time, Write the Letter

This process is so cathartic.  Working through the process of imagining yourself as an older, wiser and more accomplished version of your present self is quite emotional.  We never really think about our future selves, do we?  But, when you do something happens.  You feel a sense of obligation to this ‘imaginary friend’.  This idea develops that you have a responsibility to this other person.  It feels both exciting and scary at the same time.

What my main take away is from this exercise is it gets rid of that invisible barrier between you and the ‘imaginary’.  It helps you remember that that ‘imaginary’ person is in fact you!  With this you tune in to the knowledge that her life is shaped by you.  That her success is shaped by you.  And, that everything she is or does starts with you.  Write the letter, it is a powerful love letter to yourself.  And, it will light a gentle flame under your butt to ensure that life that you dream of for your future self becomes a reality.

Thanks so much for reading and joining me in this exercise!

Steph x

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For something similar, head over and read my blog Advice for My Younger Self

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