Personal Growth Books by Women 

When I was growing up these books were called Self Help Books.  If you’re anything like me and my generation Self Help is a dirty word.  Who needs Self Help?  Admitting you need ‘help’ is admitting weakness.  Well, middle finger to that, I say!  And, I also say that calling it Self Help is not quite accurate either.  I mean, yes you are helping yourself, but it’s more Self Development than ‘help’.

Reading these books sets you apart from those that settle for life as it is!  Reading these books means you know your worth and you know you deserve more.  To me, reading Self Help Books means you’ve got your head screwed on right, so good on you!  And these books are Personal Growth for women and by women, the best kind of ‘self help’ you can ask for!

So, I have chosen 3 books that I simply have to share with you.  They are impactful and a must read in my eyes.  Here goes:

Thrive by Arianna Huffington

This book blew me away.  There are many books that are written with plenty of helpful, practical tips for personal growth but this book was personal.  When I say personal I mean from the authors perspective, with personal anecdotes, and personal as in it touched on topics that hit home.  She tells about her experience of hitting rock bottom from stress and being over worked.  And, she tells us how our definition of success is all wrong!  Her story highlights how having a skewed perspective on success can have the opposite effect on your life than what you were going for.

In Thrive the author lays out what really matters, how we need to find a balance in our lives before we chase ‘success’ and what areas we need to bring back into alignment in our lives before we can be truly happy or successful.  True success is made up of more than just our preconceived idea of working hard and climbing the ladder.

She breaks down the 3 areas of life that need to be in balance in order to thrive.  These areas include Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder.  She goes into depth on each one and their role in our overall happiness.  Ultimately the message is to find balance is key and that true success cannot be measured without it.  I highly recommend this read!



Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

If you enjoy more of a no-nonsense, best-friend approach to Self Help this book is for you!

In this book, Rachel Hollis lays it bare in a raw and real way that resonates with her readers because, really, all we want is honesty!  She tells painful personal stories and addresses the lies that we all tell ourselves that are holding us back.  This book is so good I read it like I was talking to a friend.

It is so relatable and covers all our confronting un-truths that we live with each day.  The ‘stories’ we are told (and tell ourselves) that keep us from living our best, brave and self confident life.

As the title suggests this is an in-your-face, pick-yourself-up-and-start-again approach.  These hard truths will make you sit up and realize nothing is as bad as you thought and you are capable and equipped for anything life has to throw at you.  If you want a best friend kind of tough-love pep talk read this book!


Untamed by Glennon Doyle

How do I review a book that is so impactful, that touches you in a way that cannot be explained, like reaching into your soul and connecting with a part of you that no normal words can reach. This book is profound in it’s real and raw way.  We all live through moments that impact us, and in this book the author taps into those emotions that we experience in these important life experiences. She is sharing her own stories but somehow they become our own.

She talks about love, relationships, life struggles and all in a way that allows us to feel her pain and to somehow understand and relate to it. This book has my mind racing a 1,000,000 miles an hour, trying to put all the pieces together.   I have always loved words, and the impact they have on us, but this is different. This book I will hold close to my chest. This book should be read by every woman and every girl.
As someone who loves to write this book has made me realise that it is only when you are true and authentic that you are able to really put your message across, and to impact people. People want to know what you are feeling, what you have been through, and how you came out the other end. People want to be able to relate. It is a brave person indeed that is able to share of themselves, and a lesson I am happy to learn.  Being able to write well is a talent but being able to write truth is a rare gift.  If you ask me I would say Buy This Book Now!


I wanted to review these personal growth books because they really impacted me.  The reason I chose books written by women is that I believe women are a force to be reckoned with.  They are proving themselves to be a powerhouse of strength, resilience and intuition in this world.  Women are starting to realize that they can do and be anything and it’s so exciting!  If you are looking to be inspired by some incredible women, these books are just about the best starting point you can find.

Head over to The Power of Words to Shape us for more inspiration!

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