A Million Times Over, I Choose Me

This blog is, in a sense, a love letter to my life.  To your life.  To all life.  Take it as your own.  Say out loud ‘I choose me’.  With me.  On your own.  In silence, or out loud.  But, whatever you do, make sure you choose you.

What do I mean by all this rambling?  I mean, don’t allow yourself even for a minute to forget that the breath in your lungs is a gift.  That each breath YOU breathe is gifted only to you and that makes you special.  It means, this is YOUR life and you need to learn to live it on your terms.  It means you need to remember yourself in all your kindness and stop putting your own needs on the back burner.  Above all, it means now is the time to pay attention to how valuable each moment is.  How valuable you are.

I Choose Me to be Grateful for

Today, focus your gratitude on yourself.  Write a list of all the things you are blessed to have, blessed to be able to call yours.  Your smile, your eyes, your laugh.  Your heart, your lungs, your mind.  All the things that, while everyone else might have them too, are uniquely yours!  ‘I am grateful I have the capacity to feel’.  ‘I’m grateful I get to see the beauty of the world around me and to walk the paths before me’.  ‘I am grateful to have lived through all my highs and my lows’.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR ME!  I am, after all, the only one there is.  This is a gift.  A miracle.  And, a blessing.  We can make of it what we will, but every life is a gift.  Today, instead of wishing you looked more like that celebrity or painted more like that artist, be grateful just for being you.  Look for the one thing (or many!) that others would wish to be as good at as you are!  Look within for all your beautiful qualities, and be grateful.  Say, ‘I choose me because I am….’.  Find all the reasons that you are an incredible gift to this world.


I Choose Me to Celebrate

Every day, whether happy or sad, I have gotten up to face the day.  Every time I do this, I choose me!  Today I celebrate each moment that I have shown up for myself even when I felt like it was too hard.  I celebrate how resilient I am.  And I celebrate how far I have come in life.  Through struggles and hard times, blissful moments and upheaval I have been there, bouncing back stronger than the time before.

I celebrate my journey and acknowledge my growth.  I ask myself to see my own greatness and strength.  And, I allow myself to see that I have always been worthy of being celebrated.  Simply for being me.  I celebrate this moment, right here.  The one where I am thinking about how great I am.  This one where I am allowing myself to open my heart for a moment to the truth that I am in fact a unique and beautiful gift to this world.  I choose to celebrate me because I am worthy of being celebrated!

I Choose Me because there is No Other Choice

There is no other choice, not because it’s not allowed.  There is no other choice because no other human alive on this planet can fulfil this role.  No other human alive on this planet can BE ME!  They wouldn’t fit into my shoes, feel comfortable in my skin, know the truth in my heart.  No other human alive on this earth is or ever will be ME.  That role is reserved for me because I am the perfect fit.

I choose me because I WANT NO OTHER CHOICE!  I choose me because if this skin, this heart, this mind is good enough for my creator then it is good enough for me.  In this moment I know in my heart the truth of my worth, my intrinsic value and the strength of this heart I was blessed with.  I choose me to live this life to it’s fullest and most beautiful purpose.  Today I see all my blessings and feel grateful to be ME!

Steph x

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If you enjoyed this blog, head over and check out this one: You DO Make a Difference

Let me share some of my favourite Personal Growth resources with you!

I’m always looking for Personal Growth courses and Udemy have so many at affordable prices.  Here’s a list of Courses

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